The Texture of Awareness es la más reciente serie de la artista Meredith Dittmar que presenta obras en arcilla polimérica, escultura en acero y video.
El lenguaje visual de Dittmar se origina en la práctica de bosquejar sus sentimientos y sensaciones y cambiar/jugar con la ubicación y los límites de la percepción. Dittmar regresa a su medio originario, la arcilla polimérica, y continúa su exploración en escultura en acero.
Dittmar basada en Portland, Oregón crea universos tridimensionales, experimentos en arcilla polimérica y papel, que se reúnen y fusionan espontáneamente en imágenes, animaciones, piezas de pared e instalaciones.
En el centro de su práctica está el impulso de expresar la naturaleza de la realidad de manera directa, mientras que, al mismo tiempo, existe una alegría brutal que empuja el límite de las cosas. Dittmar usa la creación artística como una forma de explorar, iluminar y romper los límites del yo condicionado y lidiar con las demandas externas de las identidades que asumimos. Adoptando un enfoque libre y sin obstáculos explora el momento inmediato y lo que surge en éste.
The Texture of Awareness is Dittmar's most explicit attempt to date to illuminate/accentuate the texture of awareness. Which is always available to see. The visual language originates from a practice of sketching her feelings and sensations and shifting/playing with the location and borders of perception. She returns to her native medium, polymer clay, and continues her exploration into steel. Bending the same form in multiple ways as our mind bends a singular infinite awareness into separate objects.
Artist Meredith Dittmar takes a freeform, unencumbered approach to her work, exploring the immediate moment and whatever arises in it. Small experiments in polymer clay and paper, gather and merge spontaneously into larger images, animations, wall pieces, or installations. At the heart of her practice is an urge to express the nature of reality directly and clearly, while at the same time, there exists a wild playfulness that pushes at the edges of things, craves innovation, and plumbs the unknown. She uses art-making as a way to explore, illuminate, and break down the boundaries of the conditioned self and grapple with the external demands of the identities we assume.
With an education primarily in engineering, computer science, and sociology, professional careers in interactive and design, and a decade as a full-time artist, with solo shows in Los Angeles, Portland, Istanbul, and Mexico City, she now harnesses all her selves, past and present, to bring complex projects of all kinds to life.
Molecular Meditation es una exploración audiovisual diseñada para sumergirse en una meditación profunda, a través de estímulos visuales y auditivos, conceptualizada por la artista colombiana/israelí Orly Anan.
La obra de Anan indaga en la intersección entre lo ritual, la cultura popular y el arte contemporáneo. Su práctica busca descontextualizar los objetos mundanos y transformarlos en objetos rituales con la intención de resignificar el concepto de lo sagrado en la vida cotidiana. A través de la intervención del espacio, Anan crea escenas y personajes fantásticos llenos de color y misticismo con un estilo que la artista define como Surrealismo Antropocósmico.
Anan quien ha colaborado con artistas como Annie Leibovitz, Missy Elliot y Lido Pimienta, une fuerzas para este proyecto con el maestro de sonido, con sede en Toronto, Brandon Valdivia y el artista de video, con sede en Nueva York, Enrique Alba. Esta colaboración es parte de HUH, un experimento global que reúne a creativos de diferentes partes del mundo para reflejar procesos de creación a distancia durante la pandemia.
Para Molecular Meditation Anan fusiona elementos de culturas ancestrales, arquetipos milenarios y prácticas ceremoniales inspiradas por diversas culturas del planeta. La edición de Alba genera mandalas en movimiento que en conjunto con el diseño de sonido de Valdivia nos transportan a un viaje espiritual, hipnótico y psicodélico.
Molecular meditation is an audiovisual exploration designed to immerse the viewer in a deep meditation state through visual and auditory stimuli, conceptualized by the Colombian / Israeli artist based in Mexico City, Orly Anan.
Anan's work explores the intersection between ritual, popular culture, and contemporary art. Her practice seeks to decontextualize worldly objects and transform them into ritual objects to redefine the concept of the sacred in everyday life. Through space intervention by using everyday objects as exploration tools, Anan creates fantastic scenes and characters full of color and mysticism with a style that the artist herself defines as Anthropocosmic Surrealism.
Anan, who has collaborated with artists such as Annie Leibovitz, Missy Elliot, and Lido Pimienta, has partnered with Toronto-based sound master Brandon Valdivia and New York-based video artist Enrique Alba. This collaboration is part of HUH, a global experiment that brings together creatives from different parts of the world to reflect remote creation processes during the pandemic.
Molecular Meditation was imagined as an exploration of new techniques for creativity and healing through art. Anan performs contemporary ceremonial practices inspired by ancient cultures and archetypes on the planet; Valdivia's audio composition and Alba's visual design create hypnotic mandalas that take us on a psychedelic journey. The artist trio blends its unique universes in this video, aiming to take the viewer on a spiritual, hypnotic, and multi-dimensional journey.
"First of all. Take a deep breath and slowly massage your third eye." Orly Anan